Tayside Contracts has had confirmation from the Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner that we are not covered by the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
Tayside Contracts remains committed to the underpinning principles of the Act, of improving access to information by the public with the aim of delivering greater openness and transparency. As such, Tayside Contracts will attempt to respond to requests for information wherever possible, applying the same exemptions and within the same timescales as if the Act did apply.
If you are not happy with the information provided in response to your request you will have the right to request a review, which will be carried out by the Managing Director. However, there will be no further right of appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner.
If you wish to make a request for information please click here to send us an email stating your full contact details and the nature of the information you require.
If you have any questions regarding our services please feel free to Contact Us.